Dress "strange" raises controversy .. How do you see it !

Raised the dress, "weird" sensation on the social networking sites, because some see blue and black, while others see this dress white and golden shades.
And fired Amordon Hashtag: # of On_alvestan on Twitter, which topped the list in Alhastaqat trends, after the establishment of a young Scottish called Caitlin McNeill (21 years) to publish a picture of this dress and ask for the real color.
And trading Amordon image displayed after the dress and share millions of times amid controversy about the original colors, so try to answer a number of Hollywood stars, most notably star Kim Kardashian and her husband, Kanye West and Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber.
Kim said in the tweet Cardashiyan calculated on Twitter, "What is the color of this dress? I see golden and white colors, and Kanye (her husband) saw the blue and black, the color-blind us?".
The young Scottish site "Business Insider" American, she was surprised that the global echo harvested asked about her dress, which she wore her mother on the occasion of the wedding of a friend.
And trading Amordon several explanations for why the colors of the dress variation from one person to another, but have not been confirmed yet any theory in a scientific manner.
Someone said that if you are a brain left you will see the dress in white and gold, because they tend to logic and high achievers in mathematics and languages, but if you're with the right brain, you will see the dress in blue and black, because they are creative and fictional.
While claimed another explanation talked about the sense of color, where you feel our eyes painted by color brightness by certain percentages, and others claimed to talk to the related strongly considering the weakness it sees blue and black has strongly consider and sees a golden and white suffers vulnerable to consider the need to visit a doctor.
According to the newspaper "Daily Mail" the simple scientific explanation behind the controversy is that "optical illusion," which recognizes the way in which the brain colors.
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