Learn the most important 22 tool in Social Media Marketing

With all online marketing channels and discipline, there must be tools to make the most effective and efficient marketing task. Social Media Marketing is no different. In the last 6-9 months, I made some research and consideration of a variety of social media management tools to help with any connections in the country and social network content source monitoring and management measurement. Although there are many tools that manage simple platforms (like Twitter) This list includes services that manage multiple social network accounts, content and measurement.
At some point, we will do more with individual critics, but in the meantime, here is a list of 22 different tools marketing management social media platforms and services to help manage and grow your online marketing efforts on the social web:

Shoutlet - Manage social media marketing communications with a platform for building, engagement and measurement of social media. Includes multiple account support and platform, social CRM and e-commerce for Facebook, email marketing and mobile functionality.

Direct Message Lab - provides consulting, implementation and platform (REACH) for centralized management of social media promotions and contests, advertising and measurement.

Objective Marketer - Marketing Offers social media and analysis of the management of the integrated campaign (Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, YouTube), multi-channel execution, the mission reports and the management of the user.

Wildfire Interactive - Platform for easy creation, implementation and management of interactive brand campaigns including: lotteries, contests and promotional gifts.

StrongMail social studio - platform marketing of global social media marketing with a reference platform, social sharing tool and campaign management application. (Disclosure: TopRank StrongMail is a client)

Sprout - Cloud-based visual authoring software used to build interactive ads Engage and Engage applications that provide a rich, interactive and social content through the web and mobile devices.

Spredfast - Enterprise social media management system that enables an organization to manage, monitor and measure its votes through multiple social media channels. Also offers a white label option for agencies.

socialTALK - allows brands to create (text, photos, videos), manage (customize workflow and approval process), publishing (single source, the publication provided for multiple platforms) and measure (aggregated analysis table edge) their content strategy and publication schedule.

Crowd Factory - Suite of social media marketing tools include social media campaign, allowing marketers to acquire new customers through social Simple gestures and personalized social marketing campaigns while easily tracking ROI.

Awareness - social marketing hub that centralizes publishing social media content, management, measurement and engagement. It also includes access to white label 7, good practices of social networking applications.

This moment - Built on the platform of the moment deThis, CED is a presence management system of a brand across multiple online environments combining UGC media, and a variety of real-time entries that are distributed on social platforms, including YouTube Brand Channels, Facebook Fan Pages, Brand Communities MySpace and iPhone.

MediaFunnel - a business platform offers for the Facebook and Twitter social media support multiple users per profile and editorial review. Includes monitoring and integrates with Salesforce.com.

Virtue - Works with clients and agencies through a social relationship management (SEM) platform offering Facebook tabs and applications, an editing function for Facebook and Twitter and mobile solutions.

Sprinklr - platform social media marketing and consulting services for consumer & B2B marketers and agencies. Provides social media audience research, acquisition, promotion of content and measurement tools.

Janrain - Web platform including tools commitment to make it easy for users to connect to a site with their social networks, Unite for easy navigation across multiple Web properties and partner sites with a log-in (currently supports 16 networks) unique, Capture to take advantage of user data for personalized experiences.

Scoreboard affordable social media, monitoring, workflow of the team, influencer and contact management, performance indicators, and daily or weekly summaries by e-mail - Sprout Social. Supports Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp and Foursquare.

Sendible - platform social media marketing that supports over 30 networks and services offering management: accounting / profiles, messages and content, social interaction, content discovery, commitment, and blog content promotion, monitoring and analysis. Also offers a white label version for agencies.

KickApps - Self service social media website and the creation of system of social content management system supporting video, social networking, graphic & Social Activity Streams, and analysis applications. Allows web publishers and marketers to build brand communities, social applications and interactive widgets on their websites and through the social web. Solutions for small and large businesses.

Postling - business platform for local social media marketing to create the content, stay organized and reach customers. Currently free for small businesses or personal use.

pop.to social marketing - A suite of social marketing, including social gestures supply compatible widgets, social table edge segmentation tools, identifying influencers, track conversions and integrated casting friend.

HootSuite - table edge social media to manage social content and engagement across multiple networks with team workflow and statistics.

Seesmic - Web and desktop tools to manage social marketing activities on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Google Buzz Linkedin and more a market of plug-in for more social management options.
This list of platforms and services "ad hoc" Social Media Marketing was compiled by various bookmarking services as they were discovered or pitched to us (we did not answer the locations). Here is another useful list of SMMS was compiled in March 2010 by Jeremiah Owyang.
What is Social Media Marketing dashboards, software and list management tools above have tested or are you using? Opinions, comments, ideas and questions are greatly appreciated!
Obviously, the tools are only as good as the expertise of the people who use them, so TopRank Marketing is always interested in helping companies develop their roadmap social media and the right to recommend supporting the implementation of software .
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