Virtual University : The Virtual Undergraduate

1 The Virtual Undergraduate
1.1 Student One

Undergraduate One is a high school student of high-ability, a track star, of minority descent from the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Undergraduate One (know affectionately as UnOn) is interested in the University of Virginia, and therefore, while taking his SAT I and II, puts VU down as one recipient of his scores. He is an extremely able student, scoring 1550 on his SAT and his name is also included in a recently purchased list of prospects for high-ability students. He is encouraged by his high school counselor to apply for admissions to VU through the early decision program, which he does. He utilizes the WEB based application and utilizes his father’s VISA card to pay the application fee.
He is offered admissions, and elects to receive an estimate of his financial aid in order to make an informed decision about attending VU. He sends the Financial Aid Office a Financial Aid Statement, and a copy his parent’s previous year’s tax return. As he is a star athlete, the track coach informs the financial aid office that the applicant will receive a $3,000 athletic grant-in-aid. Since the applicant is from the Eastern Shore, he also is eligible for the endowed Bailey-Tiffany grant.
UnOn, upon receiving the estimate of a Pell grant, Bailey-Tiffany, athletic grant-in-aid, and Perkins Loan, decides to come to VU, and requests that his admissions deposit be waived. The Financial Aid Office concurs and the deposit is waived.
In January, UnOn files his FAFSA. The athletic department sends confirmation of his athletic grant-in-aid to the Financial Aid Office. His financial aid package consists of a Pell, Bailey-Tiffany Grant, Perkins loan, and University grants. UnOn accepts the awards, also notifying VU that the Eastern Shore Lady’s Fire Auxiliary will be giving him $800 for books for the year ($400 each semester).
He receives and signs the promissory note for the Perkins Loan and returns it immediately.
UnOn soon receives the Presidents Welcome Letter, officially designating him as a student of VU, and the first of the summer communications. He also receives instructions as to how to contact his advisor and register for his classes. His first bill arrives in July, showing that all his financial aid awards and the expected outside scholarships, and the total final amount he must pay before final registration, which is just over $100.00.
Prior to arriving at VU, UnOn enrolls in courses via each of several methods depending on his location at the time (computer at home, telephone at the beach, etc.).
UnOn arrives at VU on the appointed day, and attempts to do final registration on the WEB, but is blocked as he has not paid the $100.00. He contacts the Bursar immediately to ask that the $100.00 be deferred for a month. The Bursar’s office arranges an appointment for UnOn with the Financial Aid Office, which gives him an institutional loan for $100.00, interest free for 90 days, takes the block off and allows him to complete final registration.
UnOn obtains his student ID, and immediately heads for the bookstore to buy his books, charging them on his student account.
UnOn works hard during the semester, although his girl friend is far away at Virginia Tech. He began the semester well in most his courses, but had trouble from the beginning in his Algebra Class, and his advisor suggested he drop the course fall semester and take only 12 hours.
In November, UnOn’s mother calls and reports that his telephone bill is over $300.00 and she will not pay it for him. UnOn is desperate, as he knows that it will soon be time to enroll for next semester classes, and as an athlete, he has top priority for class selection. He has checked his status and he knows he is blocked from course enrollment. He arranges an appointment over the WEB with the Financial Aid Office and after counseling (the Financial Aid counselor reminds him he can do live conferencing over the Internet and it wont cost him a penny!), uses some of his unsubsidized direct loan eligibility to borrow $500.
1.1.1 Demonstrate the above scenario using your system.
Student Two
Twoie is a young single mother of two, who has two years at VU under her belt, but took two years off to have her children. Twoie is a secretary at the School of Medicine and has decided to return to school through to pursue a University degree on a part time basis. She knows that VU will pay for one course each semester as she works toward her degree. She intends to start by taking one course, but hopes to receive financial aid to take two courses later.
Twoie applies to VU and is accepted conditionally. She must complete the first 6 hours of courses to be accepted into the degree program. Twoie registers for her course and immediately checks her student account to ensure that the account reflects her University employment status and no charge for the class.
After successfully completing the first two courses (she receives an A in both classes), Twoie decides to attend summer school, taking a leave of absence from VU for 3 months so she can take 15 hours. She applies to the Financial Aid Office for assistance, and enrolls in 15 hours of course work, 8 hours in the first session and 7 in the second. As she has enrolled prior to her stop date at work, her account reflects her University employment status. Twoie figures that once she goes on leave, the account will be adjusted.
Twoie knows life will be difficult financially during the summer so she has applied to a local charitable organization for assistance. The have agreed to sponsor one of her courses through VU.
The summer starts out beautifully, as Twoie has received full financial aid, including an allowance for child care. She does extremely well in her course for the first session, but suddenly one of her children is bitten by their pet lemur, and will require more care at home, so she must drop one of the courses for the second semester. She checks her account to ensure that her charges have been adjusted and to see what affect this has had on her financial aid.
1.2.1 Demonstrate the above scenario using your system.
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